Free Northern Butterfly Research Symposium, October 26th
Butterfly Conservation have a list of 15 students and their excellent research butterfly and moth presentations included for Saturday’s Research Symposium. Lancashire Wildlife Trust will be talking about their huge Manchester Mosses raised bog project too.
If you are interested, please register here, and all the info you need to get to Salford University is there too.
The 1st North West Butterfly and Moth Symposium is free.
BC hope this event will not only raise awareness of the great work going on across the North West, but that it will also build capacity in Salford, Greater Manchester and our region for future research projects on butterflies and moths.
Refreshments provided, but please bring your own lunch! Food can also be purchased at the student union bar.
Start time: 09:30
Lady Hale Building, G14 Lecture Theatre, University of Salford