What we do

The Lancashire and Cheshire Fauna Society was formed in 1914 with the objectives to record and publish data on the region’s wildlife. Initially based out of the centres of excellence at the Museums & Universities at Manchester and Liverpool, the Society has developed over the years, becoming a Registered Charity in the 60’s and continues to publish annual reports. 

Whilst the main focus of recent years has been the avifauna of Lancashire, this has not precluded us in documenting the Dragonflies, Butterflies and Vertebrates of Lancashire and after a period in the doldrums the membership is as high as it ever was.

In this age of digital media, there is a question mark over the value of the printed form but there seems to have been a resurgence of interest recently and the highly competitive price point we set ensures sales without large (if any) profit. We rely on annual subscriptions from our 210+ members paying £10 per annum for which they receive the annual Lancashire Bird Report through the post as well as any other ancillary reports. in 2019, this included the “Butterflies & Day-flying Moths”, in 2021 the “Aculeate Hymenoptera” and in March 2023, “Insects of the Sefton Coast“.

We work closely with the county’s records centres and can provide more specific data to consultants for a small fee enabling us to keep the price of membership ridiculously good value.

Please consider supporting the work of the society by joining.


Membership of the Society is only £10 per annum and that includes the Bird Report published later in the year with other new publications given free or at a discount to existing members. Subscriptions are due in the first week of January. If you wish to join the society, please send an e-mail to: Dave Bickerton, the Honorary Secretary at sec@lacfs.org.uk

The Lancashire Bird Report 2023 is expected to be available September 2024. Members copies will be despatched through the post. Non-members can purchase a copy (£8.50 plus £2.50 postage) from the Secretary. Copies are also available at inFocus at Brockholes LWT Reserve, Leighton Moss RSPB or through NHBS.

The book on the Aculeate Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps & Ants) of Lancashire was published in March 2021 and was free to 2020 members. The recent Insects of the Sefton Coast by Phil Smith was issued free to existing members as of March 2023. Copies of all L&CFS publications can be purchased at NHBS.